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Book an Appointment

We are available for Tarot Readings, Palmistry, Runes and Bone Readings, Mediumship and Spiritual Guidance. Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are preferred to guarantee your appointment time.

  • Store hours Wednesday - Monday 2:00pm - 10:00pm - info@handsoffatenola.com

  • 521 Saint Philip New Orleans 70116

  • (504) 358 - 8506


Who we are

Based out of New Orleans, Louisiana, Hands of Fate was conceived to bring together a community-centered host of spiritual services including mediumship, tarot, palmistry, and spiritual healing consultations.

Hands of Fate makes its home at 521 St Philip St in the French Quarter, in the former home of Mary Oneida Toups’ shop.

Mary Oneida Toups’ was a legendary witch of the French Quarter and the Religious Order of Witchcraft in Louisiana.

Hands of Fate honors this space and its spiritual and occult history by continuing its previous use as a metaphysical shop and healing space.

Our readers are available to book for special occasions and events as well!


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Meet Our Mediums, Readers, Healers & INTUITIVES

Owner of Hands of Fate, Samuel Bowling -MEDIUM, SHAMANIC AND SOUND HEALER

With 30 years of spiritual studies and having worked with known psychics, mediums, shamans, spiritual healers and Native American Elders, Samuel embraces his gift of visions, hands-on healing, and channeling. His work comes from compassion and unconditional love.

Samuel offers Spiritual Medium sessions (half hour minimum) and Shamanic healing private sessions (starting at 1 hour minimum). Ask us for more details of the cranial sacral and other services Samuel offers.



Since his childhood, Charlie has embraced his gifts of intuition and magic. Having studied witchcraft since his teen years, he embraces occult teachings of Celtic, Egyptian and Greek traditions, as well as many other metaphysical studies. Charlie is a Love witch who works with Aphrodite as well as many other deities and spirits as needed. Charlie is also a Master Perfumer, who crafts our exclusive line of magical essential oil blends.

Charlie offers Tarot, Relationship and Couples Readings, Astrology and Palmistry (in a combination of western and medical styles).



Rork Maiellano

Rork Maiellano is an intuitive tarot reader and artist. He grew up surrounded by nature and spirits in Western New York state. 

His readings aim to help querents find some perspective and clarity in their lives. 

He thinks of this work as a warm wink from the mysteries that contain us.

(Pictured behind Rork, is his artwork “A Witch and Her Friends”, inspired by the Italian lore of the Benandanti) -To learn more about him and his work, check out his Instagram page: www.instagram.com/rorkmaiellano

Brick Talbot Bishop

New Orleanian Brick was born with the Gift of Second Sight, the unusual ability that certain people have that allows them to sometimes know without being told what will happen in the future or what is happening in a different place.

When he was four years of age, he was struck by lightning and spent over seven months in a coma and upon waking, he started telling his parents about the dead people that were speaking to him. As a hereditary witch, His Father and three generations of his maternal line, then taught him how to properly use his gifts and properly learn divination by tarot, scrying, and radiesthesia, using the the body, a copper pendulum or key, or a wand made of certain wood or horn.

As a physical medium he feels as well as sees the life and the spirits around a person with just a handshake or a hand on one’s shoulder.

Being a practitioner of what is known as “Attunement” that is a personal spiritual practice and a healing modality offered through the laying on of hands. The group Emissaries of Divine Light believe that Attunement is a pivotal factor in the conscious evolution of humanity. The purpose of Attunement is to establish alignment of the body and mind and heart with the natural forces of being, alignment in the body with the forces of Life from Source and Spirit.

Brick is available for Readings at Hands of Fate 7 days a week By Appointment. The sessions are $45.00 for 15 minutes, and $80.00 for a 30 - 45 minute session.


On Palmistry



There are many—and often conflicting—interpretations of various lines and palmar features across various teachings of palmistry. Palmistry is practiced by the Hindu Brahmins, and is also indirectly referenced in the Book of Job. The contradictions between different interpretations, as well as the lack of evidence for palmistry's predictions, have caused palmistry to be viewed as a pseudoscience by academics.

Palmistry reveals individual personality and character traits through the study of the shape, size and lines of the hands and fingers. There are two divisions within this ancient science. Chiromancy deals with the lines on the palm and chirognomy deals with the shape of the hands and the color, shape and texture of the palm, fingers and thumb.

The general consensus among most palm readers, with respect to what each hand indicates (right and left) is this for right-handed individuals, the left hand lines and shapes indicate the character traits, personality and destiny one is born with. The right hand lines and shapes show the direction one’s life has taken. For left-handed individuals the opposite applies. However, depending upon the palm reader and his or her training or country of origin, this may vary.

The Shape of the hand in Palmistry Readings is often one of the aspects of Palmistry that beginners generally tend to neglect. The Quality of the hand, shape of the hand, texture of the skin, visible spots and moles on the hand and the position of the thumb, all of these characteristics and features of the hand tell us a lot about a person and his personality and life. By actually studying the hand itself, they pass on directly to the study of lines on the palm and the fact that to effectively the lines on the palm, the overall hand condition must be evaluated.

Ancient Palmistry

Palmistry is a practice common to many different places on the Eurasian landmass;[5] it has been practiced in the cultures of Sumeria, Babylonia, Arabia, Canaan, Persia, India, Nepal, Tibet and China.

The acupuncturist Yoshiaki Omura describes its roots in Hindu astrology (known in Sanskrit as jyotish), Chinese Yijing (I Ching), and Roma fortune tellers.[6] Several thousand years ago, the Hindu sage Valmiki is thought to have written a book comprising 567 stanzas, the title of which translates in English as The Teachings of Valmiki Maharshi on Male Palmistry. From India, the art of palmistry spread to China, Tibet and to other countries in Europe.

Palmistry also progressed independently in Greece where Anaxagoras practiced it.. Aristotle (384–322 B.C.E.) reportedly discovered a treatise on the subject of palmistry on an altar of Hermes, which he then presented to Alexander the Great (356–323 B.C.E.), who took great interest in examining the character of his officers by analyzing the lines on their hands. A chapter of a 17th-century sex manual, misattributed to Aristotle, is occasionally incorrectly cited as being the treatise in question. The text it is not contained in his canonical works.

Palmistry is indirectly referenced in the Book of Job, which is dated by scholars to between the 7th and 4th centuries BCE.

In Renaissance magic, palmistry (known as "chiromancy") was classified as one of the seven "forbidden arts", along with necromancy, geomancy, aeromancy, pyromancy, hydromancy, and spatulamancy (scapulimancy).[13] During the 16th century the art of palmistry was actively suppressed by the Catholic Church. Both Pope Paul IV and Pope Sixtus V issued papal edicts against various forms of divination, including palmistry.

Palm readings are $45.00 for 15 Minutes, or $80.00 for 30 Minutes.



In Spiritism and Spiritualism the medium has the role of an intermediary between the world of the living and the world of spirit. Mediums claim that they can listen to and relay messages from spirits, or that they can allow a spirit to control their body and speak through it directly or by using automatic writing or drawing.

"Mental mediumship" is communication of spirits with a medium by telepathy. The medium mentally "hears" (clairaudience), "sees" (clairvoyance), and/or feels (clairsentience) messages from spirits. Directly or with the help of a spirit guide, the medium passes the information on to the message's recipient(s). When a medium is doing a "reading" for a particular person, that person is known as the "sitter".

Senses used by mental mediums are sometimes defined differently from in other paranormal fields. A medium is said to have psychic abilities but not all psychics function as mediums. The term clairvoyance, for instance, may include seeing spirit and visions instilled by the spirit world. The Parapsychological Association defines "clairvoyance" as information derived directly from an external physical source.

Clairvoyance or "clear seeing", is the ability to see anything that is not physically present, such as objects, animals or people. This sight occurs "in the mind's eye". Some mediums say that this is their normal vision state. Others say that they must train their minds with such practices as meditation in order to achieve this ability, and that assistance from spiritual helpers is often necessary. Some clairvoyant mediums can see a spirit as though the spirit has a physical body. They see the bodily form as if it were physically present. Other mediums see the spirit in their mind's eye, or it appears as a movie or a television programme or a still picture like a photograph in their mind.

Clairaudience or "clear hearing", is usually defined as the ability to hear the voices or thoughts of spirits. Some mediums hear as though they are listening to a person talking to them on the outside of their head, as though the Spirit is next to or near to the medium, and other mediums hear the voices in their minds as a verbal thought.

Clairsentience or "clear sensing", is the ability to have an impression of what a spirit wants to communicate, or to feel sensations instilled by a spirit.

Clairsentinence or "clear feeling" is a condition in which the medium takes on the ailments of a spirit, feeling the same physical problem which the spirit person had before death.

Clairalience or "clear smelling" is the ability to smell a spirit. For example, a medium may smell the pipe tobacco of a person who smoked during life.

Clairgustance or "clear tasting" is the ability to receive taste impressions from a spirit.

Claircognizance or "clear knowing", is the ability to know something without receiving it through normal or psychic senses. It is a feeling of "just knowing". Often, a medium will claim to have the feeling that a message or situation is "right" or "wrong."

Samuel, who is our store owner, is an amazing Medium, and a Mediumship reading is communication of spirits with a medium by telepathy. The medium mentally "hears" (clairaudience), "sees" (clairvoyance), and/or feels (clairsentience) messages from spirits. 

Directly or with the help of a spirit guide, the medium passes the information on to the message's recipient(s) when a medium is doing a "reading" for a particular person. - If in a group reading he suggests 45 minutes that is $125.00 compared to individual mediumship readings that are 30 minutes for $80.00 or an hour for $160.00

Some History on Mediumship

Attempts to communicate with the dead and other living human beings, aka spirits, have been documented back to early human history. The story of the Witch of Endor (In the most recent edition of the NIV "witch" is rendered "medium" in the passage) tells of one who raised the spirit of the deceased prophet Samuel to allow the Hebrew king Saul to question his former mentor about an upcoming battle, as related in the Books of Samuel in the Jewish Tanakh (the basis of the Old Testament).

Mediumship became quite popular in the 19th-century United States and the United Kingdom after the rise of Spiritualism as a religious movement. Modern Spiritualism is said to date from practices and lectures of the Fox sisters in New York State in 1848. The trance mediums Paschal Beverly Randolph and Emma Hardinge Britten were among the most celebrated lecturers and authors on the subject in the mid-19th century. Allan Kardec coined the term Spiritism around 1860.

Kardec claimed that conversations with spirits by selected mediums were the basis of his The Spirits' Book and later, his five-book collection, Spiritist Codification.

Some scientists of the period who investigated Spiritualism also became converts. They included chemist Robert Hare, physicist William Crookes (1832–1919) and evolutionary biologist Alfred Russel Wallace (1823–1913).[13][14] Nobel laureate Pierre Curie took a very serious scientific interest in the work of medium Eusapia Palladino. Other prominent adherents included journalist and pacifist William T. Stead (1849–1912) and physician and author Arthur Conan Doyle (1859–1930).

After the exposure of the fraudulent use of stage magic tricks by physical mediums such as the Davenport Brothers and the Bangs Sisters, mediumship fell into disrepute. However, the religion and its beliefs continue in spite of this, with physical mediumship and seances falling out of practice and platform mediumship coming to the fore.

In the late 1920s and early 1930s there were around one quarter of a million practicing Spiritualists and some two thousand Spiritualist societies in the UK in addition to flourishing microcultures of platform mediumship and 'home circles'.[18] Spiritualism continues to be practiced, primarily through various denominational Spiritualist churches in the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. In the United Kingdom, over 340 Spiritualist churches and centers open their doors to the public and free demonstrations of mediumship are regularly performed.


Spirit guide

In 1958, the English-born Spiritualist C. Dorreen Phillips wrote of her experiences with a medium at Camp Chesterfield, Indiana: "In Rev. James Laughton's séances there are many Indians. They are very noisy and appear to have great power. [...] The little guides, or doorkeepers, are usually Indian boys and girls [who act] as messengers who help to locate the spirit friends who wish to speak with you."



Séances at Hands of Fate:

Have you ever had questions about life after death?  

Do you have questions for those who have passed away and are wanting answers or closure from the loss and grief?

Today as in the past, people from around the world would come to New Orleans for its spiritual and occult nature, Traveling here to sit with true mediums and magical teachers.  

In keeping with the spiritualist movement and energy of New Orleans,  we strive to connect each person with a message and no generic or blanket statements will be made.  

Coming from a traditional spiritualist medium understanding, we embrace the traditional Victorian style of  seance setting. 

Each seance will last approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours.  We will have up to 12 people sitting with intention and allowing for messages to come through. 

Each seance is different and specifically catered to the people in the room.  

We strive to connect each person with a message and no blanket or generic statements will be made.  

Please come with an open heart, mind and understanding that magic is real and that spirits will manifest but we each need to be open to allowing the experience. 

*If you have personal items of a loved one you wish to connect with, please bring it along as it helps the connection with that spirit. 

Price per person is $55.00 US 

The Thinning of The Veil

Over the last few years, the veil between the physical world and the spiritual world has been thinning. Psychics, intuitives, mediums, empaths, and sensitive souls have been feeling the effects as the Veil thins and more and more people are awakening to their spiritual truths through this process. 

What does the veil mean spiritually? How can you feel/notice that the veil is thinning? What is the spiritual significance of the thinning of the veil? How does this impact your connection with the Universe?

At Hands of Fate, we are dedicated to bringing more awareness to spiritual and emotional healing, shadow work, providing the tools to help in your learning in trusting your intuition, and learning to connect with the Universe. As the veil between the spirit world and the physical world thins, it becomes easier for us to live out our soul purpose, find fulfillment,  and  move closer to enlightenment.

What does the veil mean spiritually?

If you visualize a veil, as it blocks your physical sight of something, the light can still pass through. The spiritual significance of the veil is the curtain that distinguishes between the spirit world and the physical world. 

To lift the veil, in psychic or medium speak, is to connect with the other side. This is an ability to connect with the Spirit World in order to receive information, clarity, support or guidance. 

What is the spiritual significance of the thinning of the veil?

As more and more humans strengthen their connection with the Universe and open themselves up to living in spiritual alignment with their soul purpose, the veil between the spirit world and the physical world thins. This means it becomes easier for us as humans to connect with the Spirit World and feel the presence of Angels, Ancestors, Spirit Guides, or Familiar Spirit.

The more the veil thins the more people feel connected to a Higher Power and are able to connect with themselves as more than just a human. 

For we are all spirits first and foremost, yet it is in our humanness that we can resist this concept. It’s hard to believe what you cannot see. 

How does the thinning of the veil impact your connection with the Universe?

You will see signs, messages and synchronicities from the Universe more often in your life. You will feel a spiritual presence with you more easily. You are able to feel supported by the Spirit World in your own emotional and spiritual healing. Basically as the veil thins, you are more easily able to connect with the Universe because you can see signs in your physical reality and you more easily trust the messages that are presented.

Here are some ways that you may notice the Veil is thinning

*You feel called to do something with no logical explanation. 

You can’t always explain why you are taking action in a certain way or why you chose to go somewhere on a specific day, but it ended up working out for you in the best way possible. In these moments you are being guided by an unseen presence that is encouraging you to take action in a certain way that aligns you with your soul path. 

In the past you may not have not acted in this way for numerous reasons, but on a particular day you just felt called to do it and you don’t know why. This was the Spirit World guiding you to shift forward for the highest good. Your action may not affect you directly, it may affect someone else in a positive way. 

 As the veil thins, your Spirit Guides will lead you through your intuitive nudges and gut feelings. This is when you feel called to do something without any logical explanation. 

 • You more easily notice the heavy, harsh energy other people carry. 

In the past you may have not noticed when someone was acting from their ego, which can be filled with a lot of resistance. Now you can walk around and immediately feel the energetic vibration other people are giving off, especially when it is dark and filled with a harsh vibration. 

This means you are more attuned to the people who are acting from the intuitive-spirit versus the people who are acting from their ego-mind. Ego keeps us in a perpetual state of fear, believing we are not safe in our environment. This can impact a lot of different behavioral patterns we carry that are extremely limiting in regards to our growth. 

 As the veil thins, you more easily pick up on other people’s energetic vibration and you notice when someone is carrying a heavy and harsh energy. 

*You have a desire for something and it shows up in your life a lot sooner. 

A lot of people refer to this as manifesting, but ultimately it’s about aligning with the vibration of your desires and watching how the Universe lets these desires flow into your life. As the veil thins it becomes easier for you to recognize your truths and soul desires and then trust the Universe will bring it to you in the right way. When you are stuck in your ego-mind you think about all the limits that block your desires from flowing to you. 

When you are in Spirit, you feel the energy of the desire once, and then continue living your life in an uplifting way which is what attracts and manifests said truths, answers, and enlightenment to you. 

 As the veil thins, you more easily believe in the possibility of limitless blessings and you no longer worry about how, when or where it will come to you. 

*You notice signs and messages from the Universe everywhere. 

Spirit is connecting with you as you connect with the Universe. You more easily ask for help from the Divine Host of Angels and Spirit Guides and you more willingly heed their guidance. As the veil thins, Spirit sends messages and signs to you in your physical reality so you can understand how you are being guided and supported. 

At first you may question what the signs mean and it may take you time to decipher the significance of each spiritual sign. In time you begin to realize the signs show up not only to give you a message, but also to encourage you when you are on the right track. The more often you follow your intuition and act on your passions and purpose, the more signs and messages appear on your path. 

Rather than questioning them, you simply acknowledge your connection to the Universe and thank Spirit and the Angelic Host for supporting you. You know that if the message isn’t clear at first,

it will become clear at the right time. 

We are constantly being impacted as the veil thins between the Spirit World and the physical world. As Mediums, empaths and sensitives, we need to learn to protect our energy so we are not taking on the energetic vibration of everything around us. 

Part of living in alignment with your soul path and purpose, is learning how to control your energy and how to release and cleanse any heavy or harsh energy that does not serve you. As the veil thins, you will not only be influenced in a supportive way, you will feel the effects of all the people around you who are living out-of-alignment. It’s not your job to align them - It’s your job to focus on you and your journey first. You can send them uplifting energy with prayers, (or favorable magical workings) in hopes that they awaken to their Soul Truths. 

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 On Tarot


Reading the Tarot is not unlike looking at a work of art and interpreting it’s meaning.

Tarot is a divination system that uses a set of cards to gain insight and achieve greater control over issues involving relationships, opportunities, and life changes.

The Tarot deck is over 500 years old. With archetypal roots that go back almost 2,000 years, Tarot has become a repository of ancient wisdom. Interestingly, our modern playing cards are a subset of the Tarot.

The history of Tarot symbolism is shrouded in mystery. Some of the Tarot symbols are thought to have originated in China, India or Egypt. Tarot cards date back to 15th century Spain, Italy and France.

A large enough Tarot spread can give you a very keen sense of the probabilities inherent in a situation, but the specific way that things turn out are, in the final analysis, up to you -- how well you adapt to the ever-changing conditions that your Tarot reading reflects.

A Tarot reading gives a snapshot of what is going on in the Present, the time you are picking the cards. It can help you see aspects of a situation that have been invisible to your ego. In contrast to popular opinion, Tarot is a valuable form of meditation on the Present moment that returns insight and advice. Although it does reflect probabilities, it is NOT a form of fortune-telling.


Playing cards first entered Europe in the late 14th century, but the origin is unknown. The first records date to 1367 in Berne and they appear to have spread very rapidly across the whole of Europe, as may be seen from the records, mainly of card games being banned. Little is known about the appearance and number of these cards; the only significant information being provided by a text by John of Rheinfelden in 1377 from Freiburg im Breisgau, who, in addition to other versions describes the basic pack as containing the still-current 4 suits of 13 cards, the courts usually being the King, Ober and Unter ("marshals"), although Dames and Queens were already known by then.

One early pattern of playing cards that evolved was one with the suits of Batons or Clubs, Coins, Swords, and Cups. These suits are still used in traditional Italian, Spanish and Portuguese playing card decks, and are also used in modern (occult) tarot divination cards that first appeared in the late 18th century.

The first documented tarot decks were recorded between 1440 and 1450 in Milan, Ferrara, Florence and Bologna when additional trump cards with allegorical illustrations were added to the common four-suit pack. These new decks were called carte da trionfi, triumph cards, and the additional cards known simply as trionfi, which became "trumps" in English. The earliest documentation of trionfi is found in a written statement in the court records of Florence, in 1440, regarding the transfer of two decks to Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta.

The oldest surviving tarot cards are the 15 or so Visconti-Sforza tarot decks painted in the mid-15th century for the rulers of the Duchy of Milan.[10] A lost tarot-like pack was commissioned by Duke Filippo Maria Visconti and described by Martiano da Tortona probably between 1418 and 1425, since the painter he mentions, Michelino da Besozzo, returned to Milan in 1418, while Martiano himself died in 1425. He described a 60-card deck with 16 cards having images of the Roman gods and suits depicting four kinds of birds. The 16 cards were regarded as "trumps" since in 1449 Jacopo Antonio Marcello recalled that the now deceased duke had invented a novum quoddam et exquisitum triumphorum genus, or "a new and exquisite kind of triumphs".[11] Other early decks that also showcased classical motifs include the Sola-Busca and Boiardo-Viti decks of the 1490s.

In Florence, an expanded deck called Minchiate was used. This deck of 97 cards includes astrological symbols and the four elements, as well as traditional tarot motifs.

Although a Dominican preacher inveighed against the evil inherent in cards (chiefly owing to their use in gambling) in a sermon in the 15th century, no routine condemnations of tarot were found during its early history.

Because the earliest tarot cards were hand-painted, the number of the decks produced is thought to have been small. It was only after the invention of the printing press that mass production of cards became possible. The expansion of tarot outside of Italy, first to France and Switzerland, occurred during the Italian Wars. The most prominent tarot deck version used in these two countries was the Tarot of Marseilles of Milanese origin.

Use In the Occult

Etteilla was the first to issue a tarot deck specifically designed for occult purposes around 1789. In keeping with the unsubstantiated belief that such cards were derived from the Book of Thoth, Etteilla's tarot contained themes related to ancient Egypt.

The 78-card tarot deck used by esotericists has two distinct parts:

The Major Arcana (greater secrets), or trump cards, consists of 22 cards without suits: The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgement, The World, and The Fool. Cards from The Magician to The World are numbered in Roman numerals from I to XXI, while The Fool is the only unnumbered card, sometimes placed at the beginning of the deck as 0, or at the end as XXII.

The Minor Arcana (lesser secrets) consists of 56 cards, divided into four suits of 14 cards each; Ten numbered cards and four court cards. The court cards are the King, Queen, Knight and Page/Jack, in each of the four tarot suits. The traditional Italian tarot suits are swords, batons, coins and cups; in modern occult tarot decks, however, the batons suit is often called wands, rods or staves, while the coins suit is often called pentacles or disks.

The terms "Major Arcana" and "Minor Arcana" were first used by Jean-Baptiste Pitois (also known as Paul Christian) and are never used in relation to tarot card games, which operate by a distinct set of rules.[25] Some decks exist primarily as artwork, and such art decks sometimes contain only the 22 Major Arcana.

The three most common decks used in esoteric tarot are the Tarot of Marseilles, the Rider–Waite–Smith tarot deck, and the Thoth tarot deck.

Aleister Crowley, who devised the Thoth deck along with Lady Frieda Harris, stated of the tarot: "The origin of this pack of cards is very obscure. Some authorities seek to put it back as far as the ancient Egyptian Mysteries; others try to bring it forward as late as the fifteenth or even the sixteenth century ... [but] The only theory of ultimate interest about the tarot is that it is an admirable symbolic picture of the Universe, based on the data of the Holy Qabalah.

Card Reading

The earliest evidence of a tarot deck used for cartomancy comes from an anonymous manuscript from around 1750 which documents rudimentary divinatory meanings for the cards of the Tarocco Bolognese.

The popularization of esoteric tarot started with Antoine Court and Jean-Baptiste Alliette (Etteilla) in Paris during the 1780s, using the Tarot of Marseilles.[24] French tarot players abandoned the Marseilles tarot in favor of the Tarot Nouveau around 1900, with the result that the Marseilles pattern is now used mostly by cartomancers.

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